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Award Nomination

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Awards Nomination Deadline - July 7

NYSCENA will present awards yearly at the educational event, Setting the Pace.

Awards will be coordinated by the President Elect and voted on by the BOD.

Nominations for the awards can be made via the form on the website.

* Indicates a Required Field

Candidates Information

This form accepts the following file extensions for uploads:
.png, .jpg, .jpeg

Each file size must be less than 7MB.

If you are submitting a photo for a board position, award, or other purpose, files should be a professional style headshot. Please do not send a photo of yourself in a crow, a photo of you and your significant other, or the photo of you in a group that has been simply cropped.

State why this person(s) should receive the award. Include any background, contributions to ENA, impact on emergency nursing, patient care.

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