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General Assembly Delegate Form

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NYS ENA General Assembly Delegate Form Deadline - June 15

* Indicates a Required Field

Activity (year June 1st, to May 31st)



Activity: Current State Officer
Calculation: 30 points
Activity: Regional Committee Chair
Calculation: 10 points
Activity: Regional Coordinator
Calculation: 20 points
Activity: State Committee Chair | Chair Elect
Calculation: 10 points
Activity: Past State President
Calculation: 10 points
Activity: National Committee Member of
Calculation: 10 points
Activity: State Committee Member of
Calculation: 5 points
Current TNCC-I , ENPC-I
Calculation: 5 pts each
Activity: Current: TNCC ; ENPC
Calculation: 5 pts each
Activity: Certifications: CEN ; CPEN ; CFRN ; CTRN
Calculation: 5 pts each
Activity: Attendance at State Meeting ( July , Oct. , Jan. ; Apr. )
Calculation: 10 pts each
Activity: ENA Sponsored Courses Taught in the past year (6/1 to 5/31 of current year)
Calculation: 1 pts each
Activity: Articles written for state Newsletter/Website in the past year (6/1 to 5/31)
Calculation: 25 points
Activity: General Assembly Delegate in Previous 3 Years (yr: , , )
Calculation: 15 pts/yr
Activity: Articles reviewed for publication/ written for Nursing Journals in the past year (6/1 to 5/31)
Calculation: 10 points
Activity: Attendance of NYS Setting the Pace Conference in Previous 3 Years
(yr: , , )
Calculation: 5 pts/yr
Total Points:

NYS Delegate Duties

  • Highly recommended that delegates attend the summer State Council meeting.
  • Review all resolutions and bylaw amendments prior to attending General Assembly.
  • Arrive on Time for all sessions in the designated apparel.
  • Review the use and sign out of keypads according to ENA direction.
  • Review the General Assembly rules and the rules of the day as posted in the General Assembly handbook.
  • Sign in on the state attendance sheets for each session, if a session is missed it will be reflected in your stipend.
  • Participate in the online orientation for General Assembly delegates and notify President of completed Certificate.
  • Be prepared to speak on any resolution(s) or bylaw amendments(s).
  • Completed reimbursement form, original receipts and delegate orientation certificate must be submitted to receive delegate stipend.
  • In the event the state has a booth at ENA National Conference, delegates will be required to work for two (2) hours at the booth. Failure to do so will affect their stipend.

By submitting this form I'm accepting the Delegate Duties above.

I attest that all information contained in this form is accurate.