2022 Setting the Pace Conference


Conference Overview

Dear Emergency Nurse,

We are excited that we will be meeting again in Saratoga Springs, NY for our 2022 Setting the Pace Conference. This face-to-face conference gives us the opportunity to meet new people, renew old acquaintances and catch up on NYSENA activities in general. We will have two full days of stimulating, thought-provoking topics along with a celebration Gala!

Wednesday, April 27th

NYS ENA Quarterly Council Meeting on April 27th from 6 PM - 10 PM at Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs NY, dinner included.

Thursday, April 28th

The conference begins on Thursday, April 28th at 8 AM with 2022 National ENA President, Jennifer Schmitz, who will give us an update on news from National ENA. Throughout the conference, we will have regional and national speakers share their knowledge and expertise about a variety of topics such as cardiac, trauma, forensic nursing, stroke, pediatrics, medical emergencies, and toxicology.

Thursday evening brings us the opportunity to celebrate Emergency Nursing at the Gala starting at 6 PM. The Gala is a semi-formal (evening-party dress) affair with a sit-down dinner, NYSENA Awards presentations, music, dancing, and a festive atmosphere. The Gala is free for conference registrants. Guest registration for the Gala is $50.00, payable to NYSENA (see registration form)

Friday, April 29th

Friday begins with “Breakfast with the Exhibitors” from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM. The Exhibitors will be with us throughout the day for breaks, lunch and closing in the Exhibit Hall and will be available to sign your Bingo Cards when you visit them.

Education sessions will continue throughout the day. In addition to the live education sessions, we will have poster presentations on the NYSENA website for your review. The poster presentation features a scavenger hunt (with prizes).

The conference will wrap up with our famous basket raffle that will feature baskets representing the various regions of New York State.

Be sure to reserve your hotel accommodations early as rooms at the Holiday Inn and surrounding hotels fill quickly at this time of the year. Please contact the Holiday Inn by phone at (518) 584-4550 and use the code “ENA” for reservations